Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health (online)
- Food
- Health
Worldwide, almost 4 out of 10 people are overweight and 1 out of 10 are underweight. Do you want to know exactly what this has to do with how much you eat and what nutrients you take in? And how this affects your risk of getting diseases like cancer and diabetes?
What will you study during this Master’s?
The MSc Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health programme trains future epidemiologists in observational and intervention studies to find novel ways to preventing disease and promoting health. This will be based on studying the causes of diet related diseases (from a biomedical perspective), the strategies for prevention in the community setting (from a behavioural and environmental perspective) and treatment in the curative setting (from a clinical perspective). Courses focusses on understanding of maintaining good health and disease causes, and helps quantify the impact of public health interventions on individual and environmental outcomes.
Why this programme?
- The approximate workload is 20 hours per week, which gives the student the flexibility to combine work and study.
- Become an epidemiologist in observational and intervention studies to find novel ways of preventing disease and promoting health.
- Study the causes of diet-related diseases and the strategies for prevention in the community setting.
More information about Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health
Want to know more? Continue to the WUR website. Read more about the study programme, future career and everything about admission and application.