Water Technology (joint degree)
- Nature
- Technology
Water technology can be applied to the most urgent global challenges. A blue battery, for example, stores energy using only water and salt. Innovative membranes may be used to improve sea water desalination, and micro-pollutants can be removed with smart UV-technology. This unique joint degree in Water Technology teaches you to develop and apply water-related innovations.
What will you study during this Master’s?
The master’s Water Technology is a multidisciplinary programme with a clear scientific and technological approach, embedded in a top research environment. Students learn to develop and apply sustainable innovations and optimizations, and to create new insights within the broader framework of raw materials (mainly water), energy and pollution. Courses include chemistry, microbiology, water treatment and reactor design. WUR, the University of Twente and the University of Groningen offer this master’s programme as a joint degree. The programme is taught in Leeuwarden at the Wetsus institute, a centre for collaboration between European companies and research institutes.
Why this programme?
- Study in an inspiring environment at the heart of the Wetsus laboratories and its excellent facilities.
- Learn from the excellent teaching staff from three highly regarded Dutch universities: Wageningen, Twente and Groningen.
- Gain access to professionals within an extensive network of companies in the industrial and public sector.
More information about Water Technology
Want to know more? Continue to the WUR website. Read more about the study programme and everything about admission and application.