Molecular Life Sciences
- Nature
- Technology
Do you want to know at the molecular level how a cell functions? Then you need a lot of knowledge of biology, physics and chemistry. You can apply that knowledge to CRISPR-cas, self-healing materials or cell specific delivery mechanisms. The possibilities are endless!
What will you study during this Master’s?
The master Molecular Life Sciences allows you to study molecules within the scope of atomic orbitals upto tissue cultures. During this master, the main focus is on gaining multidisciplinary knowledge within the field of medical, biological, physical and chemical research. You can tune the focus of your master programme towards your own main field of interest, by choosing your specialisation and courses. However, all the specialisations are interdisciplinary in nature and consist of a vast amount of practical applications.
Why this programme?
- Cutting-edge research in topics ranging from bio-nanotechnology to the role of SOSEKI proteins in the cell polarity of plants.
- Gain multidisciplinary knowledge within the field of medical, biological, physical and chemical research.
- Focus on fundamental research questions rather than applications
More information about Molecular Life Sciences
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