“My journey into Animal Sciences has been a thrilling one, from my childhood fascination with zoos and petting farms to discover my dream study programme.” Says student Daan (20 years old).
“Although I couldn’t get into veterinary medicine , I found my true calling in Animal Sciences at WUR.”
Animals and WUR
“I’ve always been captivated by the animals in zoos and petting farms. When searching for a bachelor’s programme, I was drawn to both veterinary medicine at another university and Animal Sciences at Wageningen University & Research. Although I couldn’t get into veterinary medicine, I found my true calling in Animal Sciences at WUR. I thrive in subjects related to animal behaviour, and a two-week internship with a service dog organisation brought me great joy.”
The Wageningen vibe
“I wasn’t drawn to big cities, coming from a small village myself. Wageningen turned out to be the perfect place for me to go to university. It surprised me with its close-knit community and vibrant social scene. It’s a small town where everyone knows each other. Like on campus, I often bump into familiar faces I met through fellow students or various activities and events. I genuinely enjoy my time in Wageningen.”
Know your why
“Throughout my bachelor’s, I encountered courses that didn’t capture my interest as much. However, I reminded myself that these courses provided a broader context for my education and that the truly exciting ones would come later. Conversations with senior students reaffirmed my passion for Animal Sciences and kept me motivated.”
Plans for the future
“After completing my bachelor’s degree, I intent to pursue a master’s programme in Animal Sciences, specialising in animal behaviour. My ambition is to utilise my knowledge to improve animal welfare, particularly for companion animals and zoo animals. I aspire to engage in both research and practical work, such as animal training.”
”Participating in Student for a Day provides a first-hand experience of pursuing your desired study programme at a specific university.”
Tips for choosing a programme
“To future students, I advise being open to possibilities and don’t hesitate to experiment. Attend open days, interact with academic advisors and current students, and gain insights of bachelor’s programme content, opportunities, and the university’s atmosphere. Participating in Student for a Day provides a first-hand experience of pursuing your desired study programme at a specific university.
To follow your passion and explore different options, you can find a programme that aligns with your interests and goals. Wageningen University and Research provided me with an incredible platform to pursue my passion for animals, and I encourage you to embark on your own journey of discovery.”